Last updated at Mon, 30 Oct 2017 20:00:14 GMT

We love sharing cool stories straight from our customers about how they are using logs to solve problems.  This one is from Matthias Kadenbach (@mkadenbach) who was using CoreOS with multiple Docker containers on Google Compute Engine and not sure how to log from CoreOS to remote destinations. CoreOS logging

CoreOS is a stripped down version of Linux (Chrome OS) that has no package manager. This basically means no build-essentials are included with the OS, which makes it impossible to download and build the Logentries Linux agent.

Matthias figured it out in a fairly unique way and, without stealing Matthias’ thunder, the solution that he whipped up used a combination of awk and the systemd journal to successfully grab his data and send it over to Logentries.  You can check out his complete implementation in his blog post here.

We’re always on the lookout for unique and interesting ways that you are using log data and analytics.  Let us know your stories or  “out of the box” approaches at